Screams of Anger, Tears of Betrayl! Chapter 2

"I told ya che would find out. I know it only happened once, but her and Beej are like buddy-buddy. If she knew, Meggie was bound to find out," Brian said to Nick. Brian had agreed to let Nick stay with him until the whole thing blew over.

"Hey Nick, what are you doing here? Ya miss Bri that much?" Megan, Brian's girlfriend said.

"No, Meggie kicked me out," Nick said, emphasing the word 'kicked.'

"Why would she do something like that? She loves you with everything in her," Meg said,

"I...uhh, well I," NIck started, but he couldn't bring himself to continue.

"He kissed someone while on tour," Brian blurted out.

Megan gasped. "Oh, poor Meggie. That girl must be heart broken. Why the hell would you do that?" she said, hitting Nick with a dish rag.

"Ow, I was lonely. I wasn't thinking straight. It only happened once," Nick said.

"Yeah, and that's one time too many, Mr. Carter. I'm gonna go make sure she's ok," Megan said.

"Ok hon, while you and Meggie are doing the girl talk thingy," he said, crossing his legs like a girl. "Nick and I will do the male bonding thing." He flexed his muscles.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be back," she said, closing the door.

"Nick man, I love ya like a brother and everything, but I really hope this fight doesn't last long. We just got back from a very long tour, and I was looking forward to spending some time alone with Meg, but now, re time has to be shared with you," he sia, pointing at him accusingly.

"Sorry B-Rok, I could stay at a hotel if you like," Nick said.

Brian considered that thought for what seemed like an eternity. "Nah, it's alright. I'd feel too guilty," he said, messing up Nick's hair. "C'mon little man."

"Little man? You're a fine one to talk, shrimp," Nick said. He and Brian went outside to have a friendly little game of basketball.

As usual, Nick lost. But, this time, it wasn't just by a few points. He lost big time. Nick had 7, count em, 7 points, and the B-Rokster Bri had 45 points!

"Uhh Nick, I felt like I was all alone there on the court. You could have at least tried," Bri said, starting to worry about his friend.

"Well Bri, I doubt you'd beat me in basketball if Meg kicked ya out," Nick said, sighing loudly.

"Naw, Meg wouldn't do that. She loves me too much," Brian stated.

"Yeah, that's what I said about Meggie. But, how do you think Meg would feel if ya kissed another girl?" Nick asked.

"Man, she would kick my pretty old ass to the curb," Brian said.

"Do you think she would take you back?" Nick asked.

"Hell no," Brian said. "But, I'm not that stupid."

"Thank you so much, Brian," Nick said. "So, what you are trying to tell me is I'm stupid, and Meggie will not take me back?"

"Well, yes you are stupid. If you thought Meggie wasn't going to be pissed that you cheated on her, you're crazy. But, Meggie loves you," Brian said.

"And Meg loves you, but she wouldn't take you back," Nick whined.

"Nick, I don't know what to tell you. You should have thought about it before you sucked face with that other chick," Brian said.

"People make mistakes everyday," Nick pointed out.

"And, you were one of them," Brian said, laughing.

"Bri, I was not a mistake. Mom wanted to have her an adorable baby boy," Nick whined. "C'mon, be serious. How can I get Meggie to realize that one little kiss is not worth are relationship?"

"Just fight for her. That's all you can do. Show her how much you truly do love her," Bri answered.

"She knows all that stuff," Nick said.

"A girl can never hear it too much," Brian informed.

"Since when do you know everything about girls?" Nick asked.

"Since I am so experienced," Brian said.

"Yeah, whatever, Frick. I am going to bed," Nick said, entering the house. That left Brian all alone outside.

Chapter 3
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