Screams of Anger, Tears of Betrayl! Chapter 6!

Meggie realized that Nick hadn't followed her. He had turned a different way shortly after they pulled out of Brian's driveway. As Meggie pulled into her driveway, she wondered where he had gone. She went upstairs to her room to get changed into something comfy. She saw flowers, resting against her pillow. She slowly walked over, and picked them up. They were beautiful. She looked at the card, smiling at what it said. She placed the card on her night table. She quickly changed, and took her flowers downstairs. She went into the kitchen and put then in a vase with water.

She heard the front door open. "I've got ice cream," she heard Nick call.

"I'm in the kitchen," she said to him. He made his way there, petting the pugs first. "Thanks for the flowers," she said, shyly. "Where did you go?"

"Picked up some ice cream. I gotcha your fave, chocolate chip cookie dough," he said, waving it in front her face. "And, I rented Cruel Intentions. I know how much you love Ryan Phillipe."

"K, cool. I haven't seen it yet," she said, grabbing 2 spoons, and heading to the living room, with Nick right behind her. She popped the movie in, and took a seat beside Nick. The pugs jumped up into their laps.

By the end of the movie, Meggie was in tears. "I love Sebastian," she said, in between tears.

Nick started laughing. "It's just a movie," he said.

"Shut up. Braveheart was just a movie," Meggie pointed out. "You cried in that."

"That was different. That was a true story," Nick said.

"This coulda been," Meggie said.

Nick shook his head. "Ok," he agreed. He checked his watch. "Holy, it's only 9:30," he said. "Ya wanna order a pizza or something?"

"I'm not really hungry, but you can if ya want," she said.

"Nah, I guess not," he said.

"Ok, you wanna go upstairs and watch TV?" she offered.

"Yeah sure, but why upstairs? What's wrong with the TV here?" he asked, curious as to why she wanted to go upstairs.

"Nothing, just upstairs is more comfy," she said, not realizing what it sounded like she was offering.

"Uhh, yeah, ok, let's go," he said, confused. "Have you forgivin me yet?"

"No, but I'm trying. Really, I am. But, it's hard. Everytime I try and put it behind us, I picture you kissing another girl. I'm sorry," she apoligized.

"Don't apoligize. This is all my fault. You wouldn't be put in this position if it wasn't for me," Nick said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Nick, just don't worry about that right now, ok? Let's just watch some TV," Meggie said, not wanting to talk about the subject.

"Alright," Nick agreed, yawning.


2 hours later, Meggie looked over at Nick. He was extremly quiet for once. He had fallen asleep. She smiled to herself, then covered him up with the blanket that was at the end of the bed. She called Brian to let him know that Nick would be spending the night there.

She leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. Something she missed doing alot. She turned off her lamp and decided to get some sleep as well.

Chapter 7
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