"Whatever then. I'll pay again, like I always do," Meggie said, angerly. "Here." She handed her best friend a $20 bill. "I'll go get the ketchup and straws," she said, walking away. As she was pumping ketchup into those crapy cups, she noticed someone staring at her. She looked over and there was this blond, that looked identical to Nick Carter. They stared at each other until he got dragged away by his friend, who happened to look exactly like Brian Littrell! "Oh my God," she said to herself. "Is it possible," she thought. "That they really were the Backstreet Boys?" Meggie knew for a fact that they were in town because she had won front row tickets to a concert that night. She followed them outside, when she saw the 2 get on a bus. Their tour bus! She shrieked as she went inside. "Meg, I just saw Brian and Nick! Nick was staring at me until Brian dragged him away. Then I saw them get on the tour bus," Meggie said, as they sat down.
"Yeah, and then you woke up," Meg said.
"Damn it, I'm serious," Meggie said.
"Umm hmm, and I just bumped into Madonna," Meg said, sarcastically.
"Fine, don't believe me, but I know what I saw," Meggie said, shaking, They ate their meal in peace.
"You ready to go? Do you have the tickets?" Megan asked, when they were done.
"Yes, let's go," Meggie said, getting up.
"I'm telling you, I already have," Meggie said.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, c'mon," Meg said, as they left.