Cookin' Wid Justin Timbalake

First he teaches you to dance, now he's teaching you to cook. Here is his own recipie, in his words.

Justin's Crunky Noodle Pasta Wid Red Stuff

'bout enough pasta to serve yo self
a pot
mixin' spoon
cup a red tomato sauce stuff (the kind with da chunky tomatoes tastes crunky)
lots of water for boilin'
servin' bowl fo yo self
and uh..dats about it ah think
oh yeah! one a dem pot holders so ya don't burn yo self


Place pot on da stove but be careful. Turn on da stove and add lots of water to boil. After da water has boiled and there are lots of dem bubbles bubblin in da pot add the noodles. Stir every few minutes so da noodles don't stick to da pot. After the noodles are soft turn off da burner. Take yo pot holder and carefully take it ova' to da sink. Dump out da excess water. Pour da red stuff ova' the noodles and mix around wid yo mixin spoon. Once all the sauce is mixed in pour all da noodles and red stuff into yo bowl. Pick up yo fork and get crunky again eatin' Justin's Crunky Noodle Pasta Wid' Red Stuff.

I got this in a Boyband Trash the other day. It's way too funny to NOT put up, so if you wrote it, just e-mail me and I'll give you credit for it. Thanks Kid Nicky for sending it out.