Happy Birthday Drew!

Well today is he birthday of another boyband cutie, Drew Lachey, from 98*. He is Sarah's favorite 98* Guy, but again, since she is away, I am taking over the responiblities of making birthdy sections for him..

Awww...Drew..are you feeling sad cause JC always overshadows you, on your birthday?

No need to be sad, you cute boy! WE REMEMBERED!!!

A Birthday Picture tribute to Mr. Lachey, the one that everybody forgets:

Even cute as a kid!

What an oh-so-cute smile!

Singing Skillz Like no other

So there ya go. A birthday Tribute to one of the two cutest Lacheys on the planet. And look! Somebody else remembered too!

Happy Birthday Drew!!
All Images taken from 98* and Rising. Thanks soo much!

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