Amanda's Claim

Ok, I just want it to be known that after almost a year of loving those *NSYNC boys, and after about 6 months of fighting Tara for Lance's Best Fan bragging rights :)(Love ya anyway, Tar), and after months and months of making fun of Joey for all it's worth..I have decided to stake my claim on a new *NSYNCER.. That would be..JOEY.

Ok, Ok. So we said he wanted to get a peice from Lance. So we said that he wanted to spank Justin. So we said he was a dumb, womanizing slob...but I am obessed with him. I really lust after this kid, in the worst way. I am over the edge, and it's a little scary.

But the real reason why I am professing this Joey love is not to scare away the pages fans and some small children. The fact is that Joey has really come up on people's favorite list. Some are even trying to claim him for their own. I am the one that for months hid my love for the Fat-One because I would be sneered at. "He's a dirty, dirty boy. He's disease infested and gross, you don't want him!" they said. Well no more. Let it be known that He's MY *NSYNCER! I'm a JOEY GIRL!

Hey Kids! Just remember that I am still negotiating the Lance Fan thing, and I still love him best! But Joey is something that is all mine!

A Link to the Best JOEY site I have found
Link to my own, partially finished Joey site

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