A Little Prayer

A Prayer

Dear God:
Please, PLEASE never let us get like this.
We will spend hours at the store looking at Bops, risking our dignity.
We will go to the concerts, and scream like we are 11.
We will even buy the T-shirts (okay..they were GIFTS okay?)
We will search every store for merchendise that we already have, just to see it.

But..PLEASE don't let us EVER paint our favorite *NSYNC-ers name on our face.
PLEASE don't make us EVER want to wear said T-shirts in public.
PLEASE don't let us EVER carry around pictures of Lance or JC and display them proudly for any random person with a camera that walks by.
That's all we ask

Okay..now a little explaination of this pic. My Buddy Tara over at Those *NSYNC Boys Drive Us Crazy sent me this special picture from her concert, seeing that Chris is my husband and all. This is exactly what she wrote on the back:

Even Chris is frightened

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