Drew is Good, But Sleep Is Better

Jeff, Drew, Justin, and Pouts-a-lot. Cute, But not enough to sleep outside.

Here is a small, slightly amusing story for you guys. Sarah and I got tickets to the 98* concert in October today. We ended up with floor seats in the first section, which is not bad at all, but it wasn't an easy process. We had good intentions to play the part of "good boyband fan" and camp out for tickets. The plan was to head out around 11 or 12 and get a good spot out front. This was until we heard at four thirty that girls had ALREADY started to sit out.

So our options were this:

We opted for the second one. I couldn't see myself sitting out there with them for THAT long. So about eleven, I got home with some dinner for us and started gathering up the stuff we could take. Sarah was napping in her pajamas, and I woke her up and she came downstairs to eat, and she said "I was in my pajamas...maybe we should just stay home." So we thought about it, and figured if there are already 35 people or so in line. If it's first come, first serve at the civic area, then we would be the 35 people to get tickets. This would put us back half way. If we got up and went to Ticketmaster and did the lotto, we could still get the same seats, but we would also have a small chance to get at the front of the line. Plus, with Ticketmaster, we could stay home and sleep in our beds, and not like homeless people on the streets.

So that's what we did. Stayed home. But before after going out at 12 to find drive by and see what they were all doing. They were playing in the fountain and holding up signs the said "honk if you love 98*". It was at that moment that we decided that no matter how much we love a group, it will NEVER be worth staying up all night. To us, those kind of things are just not worth it. The chances are so slim at getting good tickets no matter where you go, and after all, they are just guys. They Sing, They Dance, and they are good looking. But worth wasting 15 hours sitting on the street? I don't think so. Maybe our priorities are different. I don't know how many other *NSYNC or boyband fans feel the same way, but if we all would cool down a little bit with the ticket thing, we all wouldn't have to waste our time like this.

But there is a happy ending to the story. After all that agrivation, we ended up getting seats on the floor, in the first section, last row. Not too shabby. And we got to sleep in our own beds. See?

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