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The Lord has laid down a straight and narrow road for His sheep to follow
Satan's flying demon's has thrown hot rocks in its path, tis his wrath they do swallow
to either side can be found green roads leading to and fro
some are smooth as silk and easier to tread, but I dare not where they go.

Tis safe to assume that they lead not to emmanuels pasture straight ahead
for the bible warns of these winding roads that lead to despair and dread
those silky green paths, some of which curve in and out wayward out of sight
lead to an inevitable pit stop it's host the prince of night.

Right beside the Lord's narrow road is another that seems just as straight
it is greener so it seems and its climb that of a lesser grade
it also has fewer rocks tossed by Satan's winged demons from hell
as to allude the weak in its devious deception making them think that all is well.

So many religions follow that road beside that appears to be straight
but in the end they shall find that it drops off before heaven's gate
so, though they took the simpler path that seemed straight at first
it dropped them off at hells gate and left their souls accursed.

Copyright 1999 by James Hoskison
All Rights Reserved


If a friend or a loved one has gone astray
go after them and show them the way
do whatever it takes to save that lost sheep
for he is more important to God than those in his keep

Remember the parable of the prodigal son
who partied away his inheritance until there was none
broke and ashamed he returned to his Fathers place
saying "I am unworthy Father, and a disgrace!"

He said, "I am hungry and homeless, please accept me back
I will be as one of your servants, my work wont lack"
his father rejoiced and fit him with all the best
for now his son was home and he could rest

No longer by Satan was his son bound
alive, well, and repenting he returned to Holy ground
once he was dead, and for things of the flesh he did strive
his Father exclaimed "Rejoice, for he was dead, but now is alive!"

Remember also the parable of the lost sheep
once returned to the shepherd such joy did he reap
he said "rejoice with me, for I found that which was lost"
so go after that sheep, at any cost

Jesus said "such will be the joy in heaven over one who repents
even more than over ninety nine just and
righteous whom need not relent

So go after that sheep that went astray
earn a blessing from the Lord today
rather than throw that sheep to the wolves
send him home, safe on his hooves.

Copyright 1999 by James Hoskison
All Rights Reserved


There was a time henceforth when I had ten
thousand dollars to spare
I had no need for the money so I called two
friends to mine house
The first friend whoms name was Greed,
came in and sat near
then the second friend also came in, but he
sat far, his name was wisdom

I told them both that I had five thousand
dollars to give to each
then said Greed, "give it here now!", as he
sat and leaned closer so as to reach
while I counted the money I looked upon
wisdom's silence as wise indeed
for I knew he was patient, and of life's
carnality he did heed

I counted aloud the word "FIVE THOUSAND", then
quickly did Greed snatch away
his half of the money, so in life's pleasures
he could foolishly play

I looked up expecting a gracious word of
thanks from the greedy wretch
but he was already gone without a word, it was
Satan's lures he did fetch

Then I looked over at my friend Wisdom, whom
was never reeled in by Satan's lure
Whom always appreciated the life that the Lord
hath given him which in itself was pure

he had always a smile for me and all that did pass by
for he was happy knowing our Lord whom
graciously arose in the sky

I handed him his share and he quietly tucked it away
and went about his business until a later day
A week later Greed ran Wisdom's ol' wagon of
the road with his new car
and laughed about wisdom's spreading his money
to the poor afar

Then without notice the man in the sky did call
he said the books are open, now come one, now come all
as Greed waited in line he bragged about his carnal things
till he learned that he traded them for his heavenly wings

He went to a place not fit for a man as he
looked up at Wisdom flying by
and pleaded "Just one sip of water I beg you
bring me from a cloud up in your sky"

Wisdom smiled and said "dear friend, I stored
my money in Gods eternal bank"
it was your earthly treasures that did demote
you to a Sergeant in Satan's rank

It was only yesterday that you passed a
starving women in your car so nice
I stopped in my tracks, I didn't have to think twice
Now I am here with her in paradise, the place
the Lord set aside
for those with a conscience, a heart, whom in his laws did abide

Though I did have a thirst for life's carnal things
I knew I couldn't fly up here without my precious wings
speak to me no more from the pits of Hell
for justice is served, and I chose well !!!!
Copyright 1999 by James Hoskison
All Rights Reserved

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