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Poets Showcase


"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you..." (Philippians 1:3)

God knows what the future holds
As we go on our way,
And our Lord hears our every word
Before we even pray.

He watches where the sparrow falls
And where each foot has tread,
He even knows the number
Of the hairs upon each head.

He makes the clouds His chariot
And Heaven is His throne,
He walks upon the wings of wind
Where eagle has not flown.

The Lord is clothed with majesty,
He cloaks Himself with light;
He sits upon the vault of earth
And none can match His might.

The Lord's voice makes the deer to calve
And wilderness to shake,
The Lord's voice hews out flames of fire
And makes the cedars break.

The Lord takes pleasure in His own,
Their praise is His delight;
He hearkens to their every cry
And puts their fears to flight.

He bottles every tear we cry,
So special is His care;
He promised not to leave us,
To go with us everywhere.

Creator of the universe,
The Lord of wisdom knew...
He blessed me beyond measure
On the day that He made you!

Copyright2002 by Connie Hinnen Cook
All Rights Reserved

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