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Poets Showcase


God knew our weaknesses and
wrapped His loving arms around us.
The unique scented, red rose has
petals that tightly hold each other

God witnessed our sins and knew
we could not save ourselves.
The red rose gives hope and smiles
to the hopeless.

God sent us His one and only Son to
keep us from spiritually dying.
The red rose looks toward the Light.

God loves us so much He allowed
Jesus to take our punishment.
The red rose is gentle and beautiful.

God saw His Son crucified and forced
to wear a painful crown of thorns.
The red rose has sharp thorns on its
green stem.
God allowed His Son to bleed and die
for our sins.
The red rose is a reminder of the
blood Christ shed for us.

You are forever quenched in God's
love as a healthy, red rose quenched
in water with petals that will not wither.
Taste the Living Water and know the
Lord is good.

God's love for you endures forever.
God's love rose from the dead on the
third day.
The red rose opened its petals and
revealed its Life.

2004 by Dina DeRosa
All Rights Reserved

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