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Poets Showcase


A quiet time alone each day
Is what one needs, a time to pray
To oft the world goes rushing by
Heeding not their soul's heart cry
And burdens seem to greater grow
If seeds of prayer we do not sow
Seems to be such a simple task
Just to pray and only ask
Our God above to lend an ear
To all the problems pressing near
But just you try a prayer or two
And see what work it is to do.
So may the best planned project of your day
Be that quiet time you take to pray

Copyright2007 by Gary James Smith
All Rights Reserved


One of my favourite pastimes
Is breakfast in the morning
Usual choice of bacon and eggs
I can make them without warning

Any moment I can find a pan
Put in some margarine
Turn the heat to the desired spot
With eyes that begin to gleam

Take the eggs when the pan looks ready
Crack it on the side
Not too hard so as not to spill
Its precious contents inside

Usually I like to have a couple
Or make that even three
Add two toast slightly browned
And I'm in ectasy!

When they whiten to where I like 'em
I take my flipper in hand
Not leaving them long on the other side
They're removed from the frying pan

My plate's now ready to spread them out
I do that oh so lightly
Don't want to break those tender yokes
Then it becomes unsightly

My bacon's next, I like it crisp
So it stays in the pan awhile
As it turns colour, begins to darken
My lips begin to smile

Ah, bacon and eggs, I can taste it now
I'm ready to enjoy my meal
The toaster pops, perfect timing
It all seems so surreal!

Move my chair so I can sit
Enjoy my meal at the table
Bow my head as I give thanks
That my God is able

Take my toast and dip it
Into the orange coloured yoke
Nothing like fresh eggs
To favour us country folk

Devouring one, then another
Heading for number three
Oops! My plate just slipped and fell
Now the yoke's on me!

Copyright2007 by Gary James Smith
All Rights Reserved

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