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Poets Showcase


What shall I place upon Your altar?
I give you my sins to destroy
I see dark smoke rising
You are an all consuming fire.

What shall I place upon Your altar?
I give you my fleshly desires
I see dark smoke rising
You are an all consuming fire.

What shall I place upon Your altar?
I give you my wasted time
I see dark smoke rising
You are an all consuming fire.

What shall I place upon your altar?
I give You my hardened heart
You soften and mold it and tenderly hold it.
You are an all consuming fire.

What shall I place upon Your altar?
I leave You my burdens there
You give me Your rest, Your love and Your best
You are an all consuming fire.

What shall I place upon Your altar?
My willingness to serve I lay there
You cause it to grow and tell me to go
You strengthen and prepare
You are an all consuming fire.

What shall I place upon Your altar?
Praise for my King I lay there
I smell a sweet fragrance
I feel Your presence
You are an all consuming fire.

I have nothing left to place on Your altar
Yes, you do -- comes your reply
Give Me your pride and humbly abide
For I AM an all consuming fire.

Send my sin, my desires and wasted time thru the fires
my burdens, service, praise and pride
You can have all my heart
You had that from the start
You rescued me from the grave.

I give You my love
Even that is from above
I bow in submission to my King
You are an all consuming fire.

Is there anything left You desire?
It's your life that I require
Let Me purge you with My Holy Fire
I'll burn off the dross
You'll not suffer the loss
What is left is your sanctified soul
My desire is for you to come forth as gold.
I AM an all consuming fire.

For now is the hour
You go forth in My Power
Being clothed in My Son's righteousness
My Glory is falling
And I have been calling
It is time to get ready The Bride.

I AM an all consuming fire.

Copyright 1999 by Jeanette A Wilson
All Rights Reserved


There is a flag... red, white and blue
It boasts of power, liberty, truth
Men and women give their lives
It is for power they demise
It is for liberty and truth
They are dying old and youth

Upon the foreign soil they flew
The red, the white and the blue
It was our freedom they fought for
It was called a needed war

Another place to go it seems
Another place where freedom rings
God grant us peace from shore to shore
And let this enemy of war
Come forth for liberty and truth
Protect the lives of old and youth

Now peace prevails for a short time
Now peace prevails ... and freedom find
For death has taken young and old
Now folded flags in storage hold
The memories of those who died
The pain in loved ones hearts reside
Still watch the red, the white and blue
Still look for power, liberty, truth

The stars and stripes now wave again
Reminding us of where we've been
And how our hearts still look to freedom
Where will we find it .. in God's Kingdom

Copyright 2000 by Jeanette A Wilson
All Rights Reserved

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