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Poets Showcase


A tiny seed so lifeless
Just lays there on top of the soil.
Where did it come from?
Where did it go?
Will its beauty come out?
Will its purpose show?

A gentle wind tosses it around
Until finally a small hole it finds upon the ground.
The Heavens pour to nourish this seed
It begins to grow and finds its need.

A tree appears so tiny and frail
Its leaves being tossed about as a sail.
Roots begin to dig deep within the earth
As this little seeds life is birthed.
Roots to bring strength when storms are near
Allowing it to stand firm without much fear.

So through each season this little tree grows
Its purpose and beauty it begins to know.
Large and healthy now, are this little trees rays
Sure of its strength, until one stormy day.

Winds toss it about, seeing if it will stand
But it snaps...and falls to the land.
In distress and humility and a desire to rise
This tree's hurt and anger fills the skies.

To the Heavens are pleas to be restored,"ONE MORE CHANCE!"
As man chops it down, and its leaves no longer dance.

So helpless, so bare, now just a little stump
What will become of it in the soil, just a lump?

Then one day it is reminded of its roots so deep
Bring new buds, new branches to keep!
So again this tree will grow tall and wide
With roots that are stronger, and an ability to guide.

Such is my life, as I have grown
With guidance and care has the Holy Spirit shown.
So new leaves, new branches, I have to swing
As I draw closer to my God, His healing He brings.

Just one little seed was I at one time
Not knowing my purpose until I fell in line.

Copyright 1999 by Brenda Keating
All Rights Reserved


Tell me about a rose
Is it the beauty I see?
What is it that captures my heart?
The love sent with it?
The colors so pure?
The perfume hidden deep inside
Ready to explode?

Such a gentle thing
With so many meanings
Each held near to our heart.

What about the thorns?
Do they take away the beauty?
Or protect the beauty?
Do they pierce their enemies?
Or protect their pride?

Can one's life be like a rose?
With such a beauty and love to give?
Being filled with the Father's love
Giving out breath to live?

As each bud may bloom
A new blessing arrives
A joy of love given
To plant into others lives
To pass along the beauty
The joy when one receives
The gift of a rose
In the midst of ones needs.

My rose has such a new meaning
Of gentleness and pain
With the pedals so soft
and thorns to pierce wisdom
Which is to only gain.

I thank the Lord for roses
What a blessing they've become
When I think about the meanings
Capturing my heart
A new meaning in each one.

But mosts of all, I am in awe
With the beauty of their thorns
Bringing wisdom and peace
Amongst any of my storms
For they pierce any lies
With truth cut as a blade
Bringing light in the rooms
That once were filled with shade.

So I enjoy each part of a rose
Enjoy what they may bring
A tender beauty of His touch
Or a gentle loving sting.

Copyright 1999 by Brenda Keating
All Rights Reserved

Email Brenda Keating at:

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