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Poets Showcase


Thoughtfully, lovingly planned for
Planted by God
A fragile, precious new life
Breathed into being by the breath of His Spirit

Bursting into bloom
Blooming with sweet fresh fragrance
Potent with potential, dazzlingly dressed
In the shimmering golden dew
Of delicate heavenly beauty

Tenderly cared for by the Father
His eyes full of loving compassion
Are fastened upon you

A father whose heart swells
Tingling with pure delight
As you take your first tiny step
Eagerly testing your new found faith.

A father whose strong hands
Hold you with a gentle
Yet undeniable firm grip
Never to let you go

Listen to his soothing voice as it echoes
Rolling Waves
Of unchanging, unfailing love

Endlessly, Tirelessly
Teaching, encouraging, comforting
"My dear, dear child"
Find in me
All that your heart has longed for
And cried for
Drink deeply
From the thirst quenching
Totally satisfying cup
Of my incomparable LOVE
Discover Freedom!
Experience JOY!

I am your forever friend and
I am SO PROUD to be
Copyright 1996 by Brenda Stein
All Rights Reserved
Dedicated to Janice Schmidt

Email Brenda at:

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