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Poets Showcase


Love doesn't make the World Go Round,
but it is what makes the ride worthwhile I've found.

Love received is very precious to me,
but the greatest joy I've found
is loving others unconditionally.

Just as God loves me with all of His heart,
it gives me such pleasure that same love to impart.

Doing for others and making their life better some how,
is how I enjoy my life just now.

Saying something kind to lift another out of depression,
a simple word to change someone's expression.

Offering a shoulder to lean upon to another,
an act of support to a forlorn brother.

Offering to help out when someone has a need,
being there for them without their having to plead.

Sharing testimonies that give other hope,
when they feel have reached the end of their rope.

Intervention and agreement in prayer,
this is just some of the ways I try to show how much I care.

Love doesn't make the world go round,
but love makes life easier to live I've found.

Copyright 1999 by Barbara Philbrook
All Rights Reserved


Focused and centered always on Thee,
Father this is what I wish to be.
Not ensuing the leading of man, but
always seeking Your guiding hand.
Not requiring another's consent, but
seeking and obeying as is Your intent.
May my daily quests be what you desire,
ignoring distractions that transpire.
Having wisdom and knowledge You bestow,
so I possess all I need to know.
Yet never feeling overconfident, or
attempting that for which I'm incompetent.
Focused and surrendered are what I
desire to be, now and throughout eternity.

Copyright 1999 by Barbara Philbrook
All Rights Reserved


Who is in control of my life's
destination, I've given it to God without hesitation.
He opened my eyes that I may see, I
alone could determine my own destiny.
He created the world and the gift called
salvation, then provided for it's revelation.

He beckons to each of us so we will
find, that there is a source for peace of mind.
He provided His word explaining it all,
then waits patiently for us each to call.
No one who repents is sent away, He
hears and answers each who kneels to pray.
Being no respecter of persons He'll do
the same for you, calling out to Him is all you do.

Not choosing to accept the gift of
salvation, assures Hell will be your final destination.

Who is in control of your destiny my
Brother, your choice can not be made by another.

Choose this day whom you will serve, God
offers to each far more than we deserve.

Copyright 1999 by Barbara Philbrook
All Rights Reserved


Through the sorrow of an aching heart,
as each of those I loved had to depart.
Through the discomfort and agony, as I
faced each new dreaded surgery.
Through the trials and utter despair, in
a life that did not always seem fair.

Through the torment rendered by others,
some even thought to be Christian Brothers.
Through physical pain beyond compare,
many times feeling there was no one to care.

Through darkness fear and self
degradation, He's brought me through in a
state of elation.
No matter what has been my daily fate,
Jesus always is there and He's never late.

Through it all 'twas His strength helped
me to stand, He never withheld His loving hand.

Copyright 1999 by Barbara Philbrook
All Rights Reserved

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