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Poets Showcase


Abba Father, can I crawl on your lap?
It has been a while since I took a long nap.
Can I rest in your peace, can I stay for a
while? Gazing up at your face
brings joy and a smile.

Can I lay my head on your chest and feel the
warmth of your heart?
For each of your children you've given a part.
Can I talk to you Daddy and tell you my woes?
Because I've found you're
the only one that really knows...

All the troubles I've seen
and the battles I've fought,
And all the time
it should have been you that I've sought.
I've tried to fix my brokeness all on my own,
But deep in my soul I heard my true spirit moan.

I said I can do this , Be quiet, don't talk,
If I try hard enough I know I can walk.
So I tried and I tried and I leaned on the
world, But when I grabbed at
it's help my body was hurled; Into worry and
wrath and I became very weary,
Oh Abba, my Father my eyes are so teary.

I long for your warmth, your strength,
and your love,
If only I'd looked to Heaven Above.
Has it been too the hour too late?
Has my pride and stubborness sealed my fate?

Yes, child, Come, crawl up on my knee,
I called you and called you,
didn't you hear my plea?
I've watched you stray and go your own way,
I've whispered your name day after day.

Yes, my child, Come, I hold out my arms,
To help you get up and protect you from harm.
Grab hold of my hand and
don't let go,
Sit on my lap as I watch you grow.

Come up here and sigh with relief,
All it ever took was to gain your belief.
I've always been here ready and willing,
To feed you and hold you and give you my filling.

So come and sit down and let me feed you
first, I'll stop your hunger
and fulfill your thirst.
Yes, eat till you're full and gaze at my eyes,
I'll take your burdens and hear your cries.

I'll hold you and teach you and tell you all,
Just don't get down, I don't want you to fall.
And when you are full and completely
satisfied, Know that I've always
called you to be by my side.

I've longed for your fellowship, your
presence, your trust,
To give up your longings,
your sin, and your lust.
Now we can spend time together
and pass the hours,
And I can tell you how I created the flowers.

There are secrets and mysteries
to the world unknown,
But I'll share them with you
when we spend time alone.
Yes, sit on my lap,
put your head on my chest,
Hear my heart beating for
you as you rest.

Crawl up on my knee, I've waited awhile,
To hold you and teach you, my precious child.
And we'll spend time
together, you and me,
I have joy unspeakable,
you've heard my plea!

Copyright 2000 by Julie Carro
All Rights Reserved


A bright full moon on a quiet night.
I stand in awe, under it's light.
As I tilt my head back and gaze up above.
I see diamonds of light sprinkled in love.
The warmth of the day still lingers around.
In the peace of the night, I hear many a sound.
It's the crickets and night birds singing a
tune. They too, rejoice
under the silvery moon.

The trees seem glorious, so majestic and tall.
Silhouetted in moonlight, and the peace of it
all. It's a wondrous
thing, the beauty of night.
Daylight's asleep, blanketed from sight.

As the day settles down all over the land.
I stand under the stars and ponder God's plan.
When I look to the heavens, I am truly amazed.
God gave us such beauty to add joy to our days.

When the sun goes down, giving way to night.
It's two different worlds I can have in my sight.
As the hurriedness of
life in the light of the day, Fades to peace
and serenity, I quietly pray.

Father I thank you for the beauty of night.
Even though it is dark, I can still see Your
Light. It shines in the
night, You created with Love, In the Celestial
Glory and the Heavens Above.

Copyright 2000 by Julie Carro
All Rights Reserved

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