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Poets Showcase


With their backs against the wall,
they cry out for an end to their suffering.
So you send them to me,
To allow your light to shine through me.
To lighten their burdens
and carry their loads,
and to give them my ears to listen
and my arms to hold them.

But they don't seem to hear me Lord!
For so long I've shared
my joys and hopes,
and they still live their lonely,
miserable lives,
just outside the gate of understanding.
How much longer Father
shall I listen to their sad songs,
and see the pain on their brows?

Then I hear from my heart,
to be still my beloved son
and follow the path of My choosing.
Only then will I continue to send you
the lonely, the desolated and the sad,
and those lost in their own sorrows.
Then you'll continue to hold them,
the way I've always held you.

Copyright 2000 by TIM ELLIOTT
All Rights Reserved

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