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Poets Showcase


And so I learned,
it is everything and more
in at others,
lend a helping hand,
do for others and
keep them in your plan.
Love others, the bible says,
above all, love in this
day of age,
for love can change everything.
Love is healing and joy again,
Love one another, don't talk
behind people's backs,
Don't say bad things about them,
'cause at judgement day,
God says to love,
and to love means to care,
not to lay judgement.
Just let them know
you are there.
Once you have spoken ill
of someone else, you should
feel shame that can set you
right again.
Know God's ways.
It's not pride or self,
It is loving everyone you come
across or else...
Those who are sad or mean
in anyway, need your love
even more than the happiest
person you will meet that day.
So love is what is important.
Nothing else...Just love your
neighbor as your self,
and obey God and nothing else.

Copyright2000 by PAULA PERSINGER
All Rights Reserved

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