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Poets Showcase


Without me Thy will goes on,
Another You'll use in place,
Thy Word continues forth,
To every nation, tribe, and race.

Without me Thy work shall not cease,
Many will come to know,
Of Thy glorious works of splendor,
To those who are willing-You will show.

Without me lives shall still be changed,
As others cheerfully share Your Word,
Lost souls will be transformed,
By the Truth which they have heard.

Without me there will be no despair,
No cause for alarm or delay,
Greater is Your will than mine,
Each and every day!

Yes, without me Thy will surely goes on,
Your work continues though I may stray,
But I know Your heart grieves those who are lost,
So in Thy will I choose to stay.

Copyright2000 by SONNY DAVIS
All Rights Reserved

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