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Poets Showcase


I was driving aimlessly and without a plan,
I thought of myself, and the kind of man,
I thought I'd be when I grew old. I looked again and my blood rushed cold.
I saw a man alone in sin - a pitiful creature
so gaunt, so thin.

A man picked clean by the toils of life.
An engine run dry by the strain and the strife,
Of living a life without the fuel to survive,
Of burning your soul just to stay alive.

There's a station ahead
with enough fuel to spare,
And it's run by Christ. Now if you dare,
Fill your tank right to the brim.
He won't take cash,
you must give your life to him,

Pledge your heart to the Lord
and the truth will be seen,
That running on Jesus,
keeps your engine real clean.

Copyright2000 by Brett Turney
All Rights Reserved

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