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Poets Showcase


Come down to the river
And stand upon the shore
Look around and marvel
The river's like a door

It's like a door left open
With life just drifting through
Boats and ships and lots of fish
And even a canoe

If you were to close that door
The river would go dry
There'd be no way for life to flow
And everything would die

Do you know that you need God
In order to survive
He has the living water
That keeps your soul alive

In your heart there is a door
The bible says it's so
And 'til the day you open it
The water cannot flow

Jesus is the water
Can you hear Him knock
He wants to give you new life
And count you with His flock

If you'll open up that door
And let His river flow
You'll have that living water
No matter where you go

I cannot find the words I need
To make you feel like me
Or even tell you what it's like
When Jesus sets you free

If you'd really like to know
Just open up that door
You'll be flowing in the river
Not standing on the shore

Copyright2000 by Chick Velasco
All Rights Reserved



Life is quite a journey
From the cradle to the grave
We can savor it a free man
Or suffer it a slave

As you walk the path of life
Can you truly say
You know where you'll be going
If you die today

Do you know the day will come
When you must make a choice
To continue in the darkness
Or follow Jesus' voice

You have walked in bondage
Since the day that you were born
It started in the garden
When our link to God was torn

If you think it's foolishness
Or think this isn't true
That's because you don't believe
That Jesus died for you

I say to you the day will come
When you will have to face
The very One who died for you
The One who took your place

You will see the nail scarred hands
You'll see that crimson stain
And you will hear Him ask you
"Did I die in vain"

That's the day you'll make your choice
It happens to us all
We either turn our backs on Him
Or we accept His call

Let me tell you what I saw
On that fateful day
When Jesus came into my life
And washed my sins away

I was marching straight to hell
Getting closer every day
When I looked up and saw a cross
Standing in my way

There was a body on that cross
A gruesome sight to see
But something in that lifeless form
Was reaching out to me

I somehow knew that it was time
For me to make a choice
And deep inside my sinful heart
I heard a gentle voice

"I love you" were the words I heard
So peaceful and so sweet
"Let me wash you with this blood
That's dripping off my feet"

I looked again upon that cross
And then I saw the blood
Flowing like a river
An endless crimson flood

I looked back upon the path
That brought me to this place
And then I felt a teardrop
Trailing down my face

As I was looking at my path
That path I knew so well
Suddenly I realized
I was marching straight to hell

I took a look beyond that cross
Where the path continued on
Winding through the darkness
Until the trail was gone

Then I saw another path
It was quite a sight
It led right up to heaven
And it was bathed in light

Again I heard that gentle voice
"I suffered all your pain
Won't you let me wash you clean
Or did I die in vain"

"Take the path I’ve lit for you
Make your choice today
I will love and guide you
And take you all the way"

I was standing at the crossroads
I remember it so well
I realized the time had come
To turn my back on hell

I knelt down beneath that cross
And He bathed me with His blood
That never ending river
That flowing crimson flood

Before that day I'd never known
What life should really be
Until I met my Savior
Nailed upon that tree

My life has never been the same
Since that fateful day
When I asked the Lord to come
And wash my sins away

It doesn't matter who you are
You have to make a choice
Sometime, somewhere along your path
You will hear His voice

If you're marching straight to hell
There will come a day
That you'll look up and see that cross
Standing in your way

Copyright1999 by Chick Velasco
All Rights Reserved



The Lord has told us not to worry
Of the future or the past
We must give them both to Him
And trust Him till the last

We cannot dwell upon the past
And fill our heart with sorrow
We cannot waste this precious day
With worry of tomorrow

We must ask what Jesus sees
As He peers into our heart
Does He see the great destroyer
Always tearing us apart

Or can He see the promise
Of the faith He's given you
Growing in your heart today
And in the things you do

Jesus has not given us
A Spirit filled with fear
He's given us a promise
That He is always here

Can He see the peace and love
That His spirit carries through
Can He see in us the freedom
Which He won for me and you

He's told us not to worry
As we travel on our way
For we've no promise of tomorrow
We only have today

He's not looking at our past
He's thrown our sin away
He only sees what's in our heart
What's in our heart today

So if your heart is troubled
You must take a look within
Are you trusting Him to guide you
Or have you stumbled once again

We cannot live for yesterday
Or fear for our tomorrows
We must give them both to God
Along with all our sorrows

Copyright2000 by Chick Velasco
All Rights Reserved

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