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Poets Showcase


Attend to my prayer,
The dark path, I've trod,
I search for thee, this hour.
My heart is sore and pained, within me,
Oh, God, I can't take much more.
My Lord, I need thee--I need thee.
In the shadow of thy wings,
I take my refuge.
In times of trouble--I take cover,
In the shadow of thy wings.
I know when I'm down on my knees,
I'll find you waiting there for me.
I know I can always find comfort
In the Shadow of thy wings.

Copyright2001 by Darlene Virginia Charles
All Rights Reserved


I've always been somewhat of a restless soul,
I never listened to what I was told,
I ran wild to let the demons inside me,
free the devil, paints a pretty picture
for those to see.
I had to have what the world could offer.
For the wrong, I've done,
they should crucify me.
I was brought up by one of God's chosen men,
but I let him down,
I've lived a life of sin.
My loved ones' teachings
could not change my destructive ways.
I will give account for my life on
Judgement Day.
I cannot undo the things
I've put you though,
but never once did I stop loving you.
You cried tears of worry,
I forgot to wipe away.
Those precious tears
will be of blood on that
Great Judgement Day.

Copyright1984 by Darlene Virginia Charles
All Rights Reserved


Life's clock is wound but once
and no man hath the power
to know where the hands
will stop
at late or early hour.
To lose one's wealth is sad, indeed.
To lose one's health is more.
To lose one's soul is such a loss,
that no man can restore.
Today, only is our own.
So live, love and toil with a will.
Place no faith in tommorrow,
for the clock may soon be still.

No man knoweth the hour.

Copyright2001 by Darlene Virginia Charles
All Rights Reserved


A nation stunned,
Union City News,
How could a mother be so cruel?
If grief was a weight,
it would have crushed this town.
Oh, Susan,
do you know where your soul is bound?
Alex and Michael...
Oh, what a tragedy!
Our sympathy lies with their family.
Everything that happened to you
is totally against my will,
but in that "cold lake"
God whispered,
"Peace Be Still."
I know these babies did not suffer,
God just put them to sleep
because in the Bible it says,
"the children's angels knelt at his feet."
Everything is in a state of change,
seems our lives are God's
to rearrange.
God gave us life,
and he takes it away.
So, God's will be done,
this I pray.

Copyright1994 by Darlene Virginia Charles
All Rights Reserved

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