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Poets Showcase


His voice was soft,
But strong enough
to pierce through
all the clutter;
My mind was full
of useless facts,
Which tried to
drowned it out;
But in the end ,
I listened.

His touch was gentle,
But with the strength,
to lead me down
the narrow path;
My body fought Him
all the way,
Convinced that
compromise would work;
But in the end, I yielded.

His scent was sweet,
But not the kind
that makes you think of weakness;
Aroma, like a strong, proud rose,
Enticed and drew me nearer;
And in the end, I breathed Him in.

His taste was rich,
Yet not the type that
satisfies your hunger;
But one that wakes your appetite,
It leaves you wanting more;
And in the end, the hunger grows.

His vision’s clear,
But not to those whose eyes
are fed by natural light;
Yet those who seek beyond this world,
Convinced that all is not as seen,
Are those who in the end shall see.

The mind of God,
Though far beyond the natural realm
of here and now,
Is not beyond the reach of man,
Where Christ stands in the gap;
And in the end we have Communion.

Copyright2001 by K. Joy Kelly
All Rights Reserved

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