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Poets Showcase


I sat and listened at Your feet
The words You spoke were oh, so sweet
Everything else from my mind fled
I was supposed to help Martha
serve the bread

Martha works so hard each day
I always waste my time away
I forget to remember to do my share
Until I'm confronted by Martha's glare

I'm sidetracked by this,
I'm sidetracked by that
Martha must feel
like a worn out doormat
No wonder she's angry,
no wonder she scolds
No wonder she came
to You and told

She spoke to You and revealed my shame
She was right, I was to blame
But, You looked and me and understood
You said the part I chose was good

Lord, I just don't understand
To ignore my chores is not my plan
You looked in my heart and saw something good
When I didn't do the things I should

Lord, You look past the scum I see
and somehow You delight in me
Remove the gunk and help me find
The treasure You see in this heart of mine

In the most worthless part of me
There is something good You see
The words You spoke, they soothed my soul
A healing balm, they made me whole

Copyright2000 by Patti Hollingsworth
All Rights Reserved

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