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Poets Showcase


Today my path crossed yours again
along the road
but it seemed full of pain.
You looked as though you were carrying a load
too heavy for you to bear alone.

And even though your face was smiling,
in your eyes I could see your heart crying.
I wished so dearly
to be able to help you
lessen your troubles
and brighten your day.

If only you’d have talked to me,
I’d share your troubles and help you carry
that burden which seems to be far too heavy.

And even though I mightn’t have
the answer to your question,
I’d love to give to you
this one suggestion,
and if you try it you will find
that within time your load’ll be light.

“Come to Me,” is what Jesus said
“all of you who are tired
from carrying heavy loads,
and I will give you rest”

The yoke that He will put on you
is easy. The load that
He will give to you
is light. If only
you’d look up to the mountains,
you would find your help to come
from the Lord
for He alone
can take your cares
away from you.

Thus if your burden’s too heavy to bear,
why not take it to Him in prayer?
Place all your troubles in God’s care
for He’ll always have the time to spare
to lead you; guide you,
wherever you go,
making sure you stay on the right road.

Copyright1986 by Patrizia E. Schwartz
All Rights Reserved

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