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Poets Showcase


Lord, If I could give you all the
Precious Gems in the world
I would.............

The beauty of the Gems reminds
me of you................
The array of light that shines
within the gems brings out
A brilliancy of color...........

Every gem is so unique in
Texture, shape and form............
Every gem in the world Father
I would want to give to you
If I could..................

The purity of every Gem
Combined would be Nothing
Compared to the Exalting
And Magnifying Love within

If I could give them all to you
I would..................

I can however give you one
Thing for sure.............

That would be my heart Lord
It is forever true............

Totally and Helplessly..........

In Love with you...............

Copyright2001 by Sherry Walter
All Rights Reserved

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