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Poets Showcase


I hear your each and every prayer
I see each painful, sincere tear
Each time you call on Me, I'm here
To put your tired soul at ease

I'll climb a mountain; run a mile
Just so I can see you smile
Don't you know?, you are My child
And in you, I am well pleased

Come follow Me and hold My hand
As we walk throughout the land
Towards a place already planned
For you to stay when in My rest

So as that Day approaches near
Be sure: you have nothing to fear
Since I'm with you, be of good cheer
And know: at all times you'll be blessed

Nothing's impossible if you believe
Step out by faith and simply conceive
From by your side, I'll never leave
And you shall soar with eagle's wings

A helping hand I will extend
At times you think you're at wit's end
On you, My power will descend
So, through Me, you can do all things

I'll be your strength when you are weak
I'll be your joy when things are bleak
I'll give the answers that you seek
All you have to do is ask

The Red Sea waters I'll divide
The biggest hills I'll move aside
Just call My Name, I will not hide
For Me, there's none too great a task

You know I'll never do you wrong
I'll be your peace within the storm
And when you're weak, I'll make you strong
There are no limits to My grace

A friend that's closer than a brother
Not ever will you find another
For I'm your God; there is no other...
But call Me 'Jesus' when we embrace!

Copyright2000 by Nolan Lord
All Rights Reserved

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