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Poets Showcase


When I was hurting and longing for the one...
I never thought to look toward the Father and His Son.
I had turned my back many years before...
I blamed God for all the pain...
It was His fault I was sure.

I then took things in my own hands
which made life worse than bad...
and with that, I turned on Jesus...
His heart, too, was sad.

Then one day I realized
that the power lay in Him...
and through all the hard times
His light was never dim.

No, it always shone brightly for me
like a lighthouse near the shore...
it was me who moved so far away...
it was me who closed the door.

Now my door is open and the Lord shall set me free...
now my life is in His hands for all the world to see.

Jesus, my savior, I love You so very much...
teach my heart to be strong again...
give me just one life to touch.

Please comfort me in the dark.. and hold me as I sleep...
please care for me and protect me
like a shepherd does his sheep.

When I reach for your mighty hand, O Lord
please hold me in your arms...
protect me, guide me, love me...
keep me safe from Satan's harm.

Please bless me with a family
and a future, happy and bright...
please bring others close to me
so I can share Your light.

Give me courage to speak the Truth,
give me the strength to forgive my past...
forgive me for the wrongs I do,
guide me toward Your love that lasts.

Please guide me toward the future...
my life is in Your hands...
help me to serve you Lord...
set me free upon this land.

No, my Lord, I am not like you.
I stumble and I fall...
but I know that you are my strength...
You help me stand up tall.

Someday Lord, I will walk with You.
I know that in my heart...
Jesus, I thank you every day
for this brand new start.

Jesus, You know what I want...
but more, You know what's best...
please bless those I love...
please grant them peace and rest.

I love you, Jesus
with every breath I take...
I will be with you forever...
this solemn vow I make.

Copyright2000 by Loren O'Dell
All Rights Reserved

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