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Poets Showcase


Standing on a hillside with tears in His eyes
Looking at a city full of empty lives
Like sheep without a shepherd,
the lost just moved along
Condemned by the religious,
oppressed by the strong

What kind of love would move with compassion?
What kind of love would make the sacrifice?
What kind of love would bear
their pain and suffering?
No other than the love of Jesus Christ

Standing on the seashore they sat at His feet
Thousands listened closely to the Master speak
Seeing they were hungry, He took some fish and bread
And praying to the Father, all of them were fed

What kind of love would move with compassion?
What kind of love would make the sacrifice?
What kind of love would satisfy their hungering?
No other than the love of Jesus Christ

Hanging on a hillside upon a cruel tree
They crucified the Lamb of God
for all the world to see
And in His final moments,
He looked up with those eyes
And said, "Father, forgive them", then He died

What kind of love would move with compassion?
What kind of love would make the sacrifice?
What kind of love would bear our sin and set us free?
No other than the love of Jesus Christ

Copyright2001 by Jim Barzee
All Rights Reserved

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