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Poets Showcase


He enters Calvary.
All that can be seen is white.
Yet HE does not seem to notice.

HE flies up toward the sky to
join HIS other counterparts.
They greet HIM with smiles
But, HE wants to know where
the Other is. They tell HIM
that HE must fly towards the light.

HE flies for what seems like
a season and a half. In the
light is the Other. The Other
is new and radiating in the
white glow of the light.

The Other turns his back to HIM, he yells
"Why have you forsaken me!"
He knows HIS duty and must go back
towards the late morning to let the World
know HIS purpose.

HE will watch over the late morning until
the day when he will fly back to the World
for those who know why HE went to Calvary.
He lets out a breath and it is done.

Those who know recall what that breath meant
and how HIS followers are full of that breath.
Then they will let HIS light shine and say
goodbye to the World where they know
that HIS light had importance.

Copyright2001 by Ian Draper
All Rights Reserved

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