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Poets Showcase


For many years I lived my life
as if I were the only one.
I believed in the existence of God
and Jesus Christ His only Son.
But that's as far as my faith went
because I didn't want to see.

He let me go my merry way
till it was time for me.

I thought that everything was fine.
Who needed God anyway.

I had a family, career
and friends till I lost
it all one day.

My job was gone,
my wife had left,
and my friends
all disappeared from sight.

The light of day I counted on
had turned into darkest night.

The darkness that engulfed me
grew blacker every day;
Till a thought crossed my mind,
"Bill, it can't hurt to pray."

I asked my God to help me
but would he listen to my cries?

He reached His hand down in the pit
and God opened up my eyes.

With eyes on God I now can see
the folly of my sin.

With Jesus now I know
I've found forgiveness
and a true friend.

My sins are still before me.
Its cost I now discern.

My family, job, friends
and wife have left
never to return.

So I've had to start all over
with a whole new set of friends.

Those who will care about my soul
and will help my heart to mend.

My wasted years He will restore,
that's a promise I believe.

I'll ask in prayer for what I need
and in faith I will receive.

I'll let him mold and make me
for He is the potter
and I am the clay.

I won't resist when He makes a change
for in His hands I'll be okay.

Accepting Christ as Savior and Lord
brought light and hope and love.

I know that God will work things out
if my focus stays above.

Copyright2001 by William Lloyd
All Rights Reserved

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