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Poets Showcase


If we read life's circumstances
And get caught up in all the trash,
Discouragement is sure to win out;
We'll do a tail spin, and eventually crash.

But if we keep our eyes on Jesus
Read, and stay grounded in His Word;
The storms of life won't get us down
We'll fly through them like a bird.

If you're in a storm right now
God has a purpose there for you.
He has the power to preserve you,
And eventually lead you through.

You'll find at His own choosing
Your gray skies will turn blue;
God's mercy and His kindness
Having been revealed to you.

It's when the storm clouds roll in
And our skies are turning black
That the Bible says we're not alone
But sitting safe in the Master's lap

Copyright2001 by Jane Hauck
All Rights Reserved

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