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Poets Showcase


December is here and guess what's on the way
Enticing beautiful presents to make for a fun filled day
Rows of garland circle a tree of colors
As we all gather round for sisters and brothers

Do not lose sight
As you watch the twinkling light
For the true reason we have come together
Is that He loved us then, now, and forever

His first breath His tiny lungs consumed
Gave many hope and guidance for they not be doomed
Listening and learning from His Father and ours
Teaching His Holy Word of righteousness powers

What does it take for one to believe
A miracle, a sign, He has done all of these
Healing the sick and aiding the poor
But, that wasn't needed more

So He stretched out His arms willingly with love
and was nailed to the cross not for just God above
But for us, that walk this shattered earthly field
Seeking salvation He will shield

Know He is with you

Copyright2001 by Kim Nagy
All Rights Reserved

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