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Poets Showcase


My life seemed an all-encompassing storm
Through loss upon loss from my heart hope was torn
Crisis begat crisis time and time again
Each day a new problem without any end

Dark clouds thickened over my head
I felt less alive then someone physically dead
In anguish I cried out to the Father above
He lovingly reached down with His Strong Arms of Love

Picking me up in response to the cry
So gentle came the answer from The Most High
I hung my head in such shame
Despising both my condition and the pain

I closed my eyes to rest
Cradled so close to His breast
His Gentle Arms brought such peace
I seemed to drift off to sleep

Soon I was awakened by a drop
There came another and they did not stop
Again a drop then some more
And soon a steady downpour

“What is this?” my mind said
As the droplets wet my head
My eyes began to look around
Nothing but dark clouds they found
Until a steady piercing light
Began to shine ever so bright
I felt His glory all around
“Why then does this rain not fall to the ground?”
Drip, drop it fell upon me
I began to look up in curiosity

His Glory did shine with awesome wonder
It was more jolting then the most deafening thunder
But the sight I beheld was more glorious to me
I saw the tears of God The Father falling down upon me

Tears streaming down from His cheek
These precious words He did speak
“My little lamb I love you
When you hurt, I cry too”

Copyright2000 by Melinda Lancaster
All Rights Reserved

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