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Poets Showcase


We are living in a time,that we've not seen before.
Hurriedly satan opening every door.
Self gratification,crime and greed,
Making them look like every mans need.
The rushing around to get things done
Going to and fro but helping no one.
With blinded eyes all seem to stare;
Not seeing things that are really there. The Bible a book---many say they believe,
But the fruit that is showing,
Does it make God grieve?
Cause the words from our mouths,
From our hearts they come out.
And the actions of our lives,
Say God's word is a lie!

People it's time: the harvest is now
To change others lives,we must show them how:
By living the truth right in front of them
And letting Jesus out,stop hemming Him in.

Let us take stock, see where we're going
Turn around,let our faith start showing
Cause before we know what is happening,
Our Savior will come and be crowned King.

So look up to God,put you life in His hands
And someday soon,He'll heal our land,
But in the meantime,we have to keep working,
For satan..the liar is everywhere lurking.

The time to rest is not yet close
As souls are dying:Satan unexposed,
And friend the blame rests on us,
We're not letting people,see,Our Jesus.
It's busy busy busy while Satan just laughs,
He thinks we've no time to show others the path.
The one that's narrow: the one that is straight,
He knows there's no time to sit back and wait.
So he's pulling out all the stops that he can:
Hoping in hell to put one more man.
Church let's wake up,stop messing around,
Cause Jesus our Savior is coming to town!

CopyrightJune 27,2001 by Susie Hill
All Rights Reserved

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