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Poets Showcase


I am: weak but strong in the Lord.
I am: wavering but steadied by His Hand.
I am: diseased but purified by His Blood.
I am: broken but made whole by His Love.
I am: ugly but beautiful in His Sight.
I am: dirty but washed clean by His Blood.
I am: faltered but sufficient is His Grace.
I am: guilty but found innocent by His Mercy.
I am: withered but a child in His Eyes.
I am: frantic but calmed by His Peace.
I am: ailing but healed by His Stripes.
I am: wretched but saved by His Grace.
I am: nothing in the eyes of the world ~ But ~
I am: precious in the eyes of the

Copyright2001 by Lei Loni Rodrigues
All Rights Reserved

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