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Poets Showcase

You Helped Me Find A Way

Lord, I came to you with a troubled heart
And you helped me find a way
To become a better person
And live from day to day.

I didn’t understand
Why I hurt so bad
But you lent your ear to me
And you took me by the hand.

You listened to my plea
With you, I shared my pain.
Then you held me in your arms
And wisely began to explain

That everything that happened
From my beginning to that day
Happened because you let it.
You taught me to behave.

To come to you with humility,
To lose my selfish pride.
You knew before I turned to you
That my life was a tangled lie.

You picked me up, you brushed me off,
You helped me smile again.
I remember how you steered me
Away from spiritual death.

Lord, I feel there’s something I owe you
To repay you for what you’ve done.
So I pledge to tell my story.
I pray I reach someone

And show them what you did,
How kind you were to me.
Even if they won’t listen
I’ll know I’ve planted a seed.

If I could reach one person
And bring him to your side,
These words would have a meaning
And he, eternal life.

Copyright2001 by Jody Gomez
All Rights Reserved

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