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Poets Showcase


For peace the heart will ever yearn,
As deep within us all we learn,
That for true peace and harmony,
There's only one way to be free.
We must admit to being sinners,
For Jesus died to make us winners,
He took our sins and burdens too,
And died in place of me and you.

For us He lived the perfect life,
To free lost souls from mortal strife.
To save each soul He lived and died,
That all in Heaven may abide.
This truth to life we must apply,
For though our spirits never die,
Our choices tell where we are bound,
In flames of Hell or Heaven's ground.

So choose the narrow path my friend,
Where there is life without an end.
All other pathway leads to death,
So while you still have life and breath,
Dedicate to God your heart and soul,
Inscribe your name on his honour roll,
Soon one day with the Lord to be,
In Paradise throughout eternity.

Copyright 1996 by Sylvia Lavallee
All Rights Reserved

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