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Poets Showcase

The Sacrifice

He was born into a world of sin
Though he came from up above
Our faith and souls he came to win
Bought with blood and Gods true love

He turned water into wine, and bread he broke
Thousands stood before him
Staring silent as he spoke
For their souls he came to win

He took the earth by storm
and tore all sin apart
He said all shall be reborn
With me in their hearts

He cast demons to their places
While the crowds they stood amazed
He wiped the tears from all their faces
Held arms wide open that all be saved

He rose the dead from their rest
And cried to see us in pain
He cast a world full of sin upon his chest
And shed his blood as if it were rain

They kinged him with a crown of thorns
And lashed our sins upon his back
A wooden cross for the sins of children not yet born
With blood that flowed to seal the pact

While on that cross his body cringed
With every movement pain
He cried father please forgive them
They know not what they do, though the lamb must be slain

His name is Jesus, Our Christ is he
Though the world around cannot believe
He died so all of us might be
The seed of salvation for all that breathe

Thank You Jesus for your sacrifice

Copyright2001 by Christopher Cory Quijano
All Rights Reserved

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