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Poets Showcase

Be Still

Help to lift me up again
When I am falling down,
When I head off another way
Gently turn me 'round.

Help me to be near you
Every single day,
Put your praise upon my lips
When things don't go my way.

When I am sinking in despair
Help me find your hand,
And lift me high over rocky ground
Carry me through the sand.

But sometimes when it's not your will
To smooth a path for me,
And it seems I must face my troubles alone,
Help me Lord to see

How small my troubles are compared
To others who live this day.
At least I know that you, my Lord
Are only a prayer away.

And sometimes when I stray and try
To face the world alone,
And I can't cope without you, but
My feet just want to roam,
And I can't see or hear you
Because I'm deaf and blind,
"Be still and know that I am God"
Echoes through my mind.

The earplugs disappear,
The blindfold does the same.
My soul is filled with joyful noise
And I praise your name.

Copyright2001 by Joanna Jreije
Mackay, QLD Australia
All Rights Reserved

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