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Poets Showcase

Keep Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Alas, I feel battered and bruised,
The waves are knocking me about.
Their strength is overpowering me.
"Help me, My Lord, for I am going under."

Then a hand reached down to me,
As I grabbed it so tightly, I looked up.
I looked into the eyes of love.
A peace overwhelmed me completely.

"My child, I am here with you.
It is only when you took your eyes off me
that you were beaten.
The waves cannot harm you.
Only if you let them."

I knew then, the truth was easy to see.
For I had allowed the waves to beat me down.
As they hit, I wavered, I doubted.
Yet, He was there and He is here.
He never left.

Copyright2001 by Sharon Niese
All Rights Reserved

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