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Poets Showcase

When Was The Last Time

When was the last time
you stopped to thank God
thank him for creating
such a beautiful country
Thank him for your life
your health and your prosperity

When was the last time
you looked up at the stars
on a clear night
Or breathed in
fresh mountain air

When was the last time
you stopped and marveled
at all of your discoveries
Or stopped and cried
for all those who have died
Giving their life
just so we can live free
or those who died saving
the lives of others?

When was the last time
you thanked Jesus
for dying for us
so we all could live?

When was the last time
you told someone you loved them,
or helped a dying child,
Feed a hungry man,
or taught him to feed himself?

When was the last time
you helped an elderly lady
cross the street
or just helped someone
who needed it?

In light of a time
full of selfishness and anger
For one brief moment our country
pulled together
and saw just how quickly
it could all be over
But many came through
and gave their lives to rescue
someone that they didn't even know
Knowing only that they
were a fellow countryman
and a fellow brother through God.

When was the last time
you did something
without thinking of yourself,
I know for me it has been a while.
What about you?

Copyright2001 by Pam Edwards
All Rights Reserved

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