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Poets Showcase


Who are you? What have you done?
You've taken my life and brought back the sun.
When in the dark I was lost,
You showed me light. What was the cost?

You told me to follow on this path, you led.
Why is it all stained and covered in red?
"I will show you the price, the one that was paid,
For on this day a Covenant was made".

I saw a man that was on a tree,
I heard Him scream in agony.
I saw the nails through His hands and feet,
I saw the tears run down His cheek.

I fell to my knees and started to cry.
"Oh please help Him, He is going to die".
Then I heard the words, what He said was few,
"This is how much that I love you".

Copyright2002 by David Christman
All Rights Reserved

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