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Poets Showcase


Sometimes as we grow older
And our childish whims disappear,
We find that our greatest treasure
Has been with us for many a year;
In a sweet little man with chewing gum
Planted carefully in each pocket -
To delight his special little loves
As they diligently seek to unlock it.

Sometimes our heart aches within us,
With a yearning so deep that it pains,
To tell "someone" how we love them ...
And then tell them over again.
For, a love that's so deeply embedded
Is so hard to put into words.
And as soon as your heart has spoken,
You wonder if "someone" really heard.

Granddad, it's no use to try it ...
Yet my heart cannot but seek
To give you the praise and the honor;
Respect, you've earned. I keep
A special place in the deepest
Most meaningful part of my heart
Just for you. Things you have taught me,
None else can e'er have that part.

I can see my heavenly Father.
He looks amazingly like you;
With the purest white robe (full of pockets)
And His eyes are twinkling, too.
As He says, "Search me and try me.
I have many blessings for you!" ...
He's just like my precious Grandy;
His ways just as faithful and true!

But for YOU, how could I understand Him?
You've given a picture so true;
Of my Father's love and patience,
Of His bounteous blessings anew.
Most precious blessing of Heaven,
Sent by my Father above,
Is my one and only "Granddad";
Who is full of God's kind of love!

Copyright2002 by Joan Clifton Costner
All Rights Reserved

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