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Poets Showcase


Life has been such a struggle for me,
Nothing is going right.
I am so weak, lost and afraid,
My days are dark as night.
I cry out to God but just can’t find the words,
This pain just won’t go away.
Then hope fills my soul and I start to believe,
That things will get better today.

I can feel it in my heart.
Tears filled my eyes and I almost gave up,
My heart felt so ripped apart.
But someone, somewhere said a prayer for me,
God knew just what to do.
For He knew my struggles and sent me someone,
To pray to get me through.

I know that someone is praying for me,
Cause I couldn’t do it myself.
Then in an instant I felt so free,
He took care of me by Himself.
He asked someone loving to answer His call,
Someone who really does care.
To lift me up to our heavenly Lord,
A dear friend out there somewhere.

Life is still a struggle for me,
But I get on my knees and pray.
Although I am weak I’m much stronger now,
There’s sunshine back in my day.
It makes all the difference knowing someone,
Really cares about me.
For God sent me someone, somewhere out there,
To pray on behalf of me.

If the Lord leads you to pray for someone,
A friend or someone unknown,
Don’t look away for God needs your help,
And to you He has shown.
Your love and kindness could change someone’s life,
Although they may not know you.
The life that you helped could have been mine,
And to you I say, THANK-YOU!

I know what it’s like to have someone, somewhere,
Ask the Lord to guide me.
I felt so alone, but that prayer changed my life,
And set my heart so free.
I’ll keep my heart open and listen for God,
Then I’ll pray to Him for you.
For I want to be that someone, somewhere,
Who God can use for you.

Copyright2002 by Nancy Burr
All Rights Reserved

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