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Poets Showcase


You can have real freedom from your burdens of sin,
When you humble your self and let Jesus come in.
He'll cover your sins and clean up your life.
Then, you'll have real joy and freedom from strife.

But, oh, such a pity for those of us today,
to find few willing to walk in HIS way.
He gives us such joy and contentment of mind.
He promises to never leave HIS own behind.

It'll be such a joy when we get up there,
unless we discover our crowns are bare.
For we failed to see what HE wanted from us,
a life full of faith and the works of Jesus.

So live your life close to HIS only Son,
then you'll have real joy though others have none.
And then on that day, you'll hear the trumpet sound
And feel yourself going H-E-A-V-E-N Bound.

Copyright1992 by Carl Evans
All Rights Reserved

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