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Flames for My Fallen Brothers Flames for My Fallen Brothers

My Brothers


What do you call that person,
The one you owe your life?

What do you call that friend
that helped you in your strife?

Who is it that you call for,
when death is at your door?

Who is it that you pray for,
when your knees fall to the floor?

In life we have those few,
who we count on without fear,

They stand beside you endlessly
and help you shed your tear

They help face the demons
that come for us at night

They boldly stand beside us,
beside us they stand to fight

When they fall, we are there,
to fight along their side

And when they fear,
we are there to give them a place to hide.

Through all time, back and forth
never keeping count

We stand, beside each other,
where ever trouble may mount

It is this special bond,
that leads one to give his life

So that the other one can
return safely to his wife

It is because of this relationship
and reasons so few can see

That every other firefighter,
known or unknown to me

Will be called my Brother,
and their Brother I will be.

To All My Brother Firefighters
9-11-01 We Wont Forget

9-11-01 Dont Forget

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