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A lone???? No !!!

I am never alone

Even when I am all by myself

I always have you

You are always there

Through the good times

And through the bad I know you will always be there

I want to believe you are my friend and

That you are good for me

And I keep tricking myself into believing it

So why do you do this to me?

Destroy everything that is good in me

Make a liar out of me

I spend all my time trying to hide you

And all my money trying to keep you happy

And I don’t know why

All you do is hurt me

Over and over it’s the same thing

You leave me hurt

And I don’t understand why I let you do this to me

What is this hold you got over me?

Why do you control everything that is me?

How do I escape your evil clutches?

I’ve tried in the past

I have gotten away from you

Or at least I thought so

Then you come back out of nowhere

Smiling at me

Telling me everything is gonna be o.k.

Telling me things are gonna be different

That you won’t control me

That this is just a one-time deal

That you aren’t gonna stick around

Just for good old time sakes

But you are a liar

Or am I lying to myself when I believe you

So I take a chance

And then I am back where I started

With you at my side

Pushing me, taunting me

Eating my life away

Making me do things I wouldn’t normally do

Or has the not normal become normal

Is this really me

Is this the way I am gonna be ‘til I die

Is this the fate I have made for myself?

Are you gonna be with me forever

And if so can I control you

I need to take charge

I need to be strong

I want my life back

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