Tis I....Kelly. Those of you who don't know me and are just wandering aimlessly through the world and stumbled upon my humble abode might be wondering, who exactly is this "Kelly" character. Well, good fellow, here's what you want.
I live in Charlotte, NC-born and raised. Not exactly something to be proud of, living in a boring city for 17 years now with still, absolutely nothing to do. But I make due with it and hope soon I'll have something to occupy my time a little more.
I'm attending Garinger High School.....whoopie-doo!(sarcasm.) I was in the Medical Science Academy until I was given the boot for poor efforts and wasting time. What else would they expect from the girl who gets sickened by just hearing about blood and guts?
I'm sure at this point I seem like I could care less about most things, and sometimes thats true. But just as much there's things I care deeply about.
If there's anything else you'd like to know about me just send me some e-mail and ask me whatever you want to know. I'm always open for some new email!